I think in modern times people are often disconnected from the journey their food has been on.

Whilst sat in lockdown and having completed all of Ozark, I spent some time thinking about how can we improve?

I called a family meeting, Mum, Dad, Harry, Matt and I all sat in our living room for a day just throwing out ideas and thinking who are we at the core, why do we do this? The main drive for us is and always has been to buy beautiful fish, it’s been this way since 1998 and has what kept my Dad in particular interested. But how can we improve?

I’ve always been obsessed with the story of where our fish came from but it’s always been extremely difficult to have anything consistent and trying to get our information from a middleman, in essence, was never that easy. We decided to go on a mission: to know our supply chain so well that we are able to name the fishermen who caught each fish, and to get our fish from the Sea to your plate in less than 48.

Then, as if fate was working its course, a guy from where we grew up comes into the restaurant to show us what he is doing and to see if we may be interested.

We sat down, had a chat and coffee, and he showed us his list and explained that it is all dependent on what was caught that day. They have a buyer that works with a bunch of small fishing boats based in Brixham (result!).

They can send us a list of what has been caught that day, we place our order, and the fish is literally taken from the boat into the van and off to London for delivery the next morning.

On top of that, they give us the name of each boat, how, where, and when the fish was caught.

We decided to give it a go, and it has been fantastic. The fish is even better than what we had before, we have complete supply chain knowledge and feel great knowing we’re helping out other families like ourselves.
